The summer movie series just keep flickering in the moonlight. If you live or nearby Englewood, you have another option this summer to pack a picnic, grab a blanket (or chairs) and enjoy a fun night under the stars with friends and family. For Englewood’s Movies in the Park, the fun gets started at 7 p.m. with food trucks and family-friendly games. (Each night has a fun theme for a complete experience.) Then, settle in for a popular film from the past at dusk — around 8:30 p.m. Here’s the schedule:
July 19 – A League of Their Own Movie at Brent Maybe Field at Centennial Park (2501 S. Union Ave.)
Tonight’s theme is Baseball. Arrive early to hang out, play yard games, run the bases and test your throwing speed.
August 8 – Monsters, Inc. at Cushing Park (700 W. Dartmouth Ave.)
Tonight’s theme is Be A Kid. Arrie early to hang out and play yard games.
August 23 – Homeward Bound at Duncan Park (4880 S. Pennsylvania St.)
Tonight’s theme is Dogs. Arrive early to hang out, bring your pup on a leash (current vaccinations), explore an obstacle course with your furry family member and play yard games.